Conversion rate optimization


How is conversion rate optimization done?

If you consider UI-UX as the design of a showroom, CRO is the method of optimizing every process related to the shopping experience of showroom visitors. The ultimate goal is to convert visitors into customers who buy your product or service in the easiest and most efficient way.
The CRO is not just about design, it includes a comprehensive evaluation of the shopping experience. That is the plan to care and persuade customers to buy your products, the customer feedback processes so that they are persuasive and effective. At the same time, we adjust the UI or minimal shopping journey but still achieve the brand’s target. It is one of the ways to optimize conversion rate – CRO.


Tracking, monitoring và analysis

The first most important basis to optimize CRO as well as evaluate the effectiveness after the CRO optimization process is the statistical data. Therefore, before starting the project, the MangoAds team will review and evaluate a wide range of your business metrics to provide additional tracking recommendations and new metric tracking methods. This tracking recommendation is based on identifying touchpoints in a user’s shopping journey and pushing these data into the statistics dashboard.


CRO conversion optimization consultant

From measured data, the experts at MangoAds will think like the user, put them in the center to give you ways to improve your CVR. From technical options such as optimizing page load speed, improving shopping experience on mobile, . . . to marketing plans such as the ways to keep customers or the promotions target potential customers to make smoother purchases. Moreover, there are other touchpoints related to the rear operation such as product buying consultant, the switchboard operator, . . .


Conversion long term strategy

Conversion rate optimization is not the destination, it’s the path of continuous improvement in parallel with the development of products – services – operations of your business. Understanding that problem, our team will come up with general plans to operate for a long time such as A / B testing, reporting and evaluating data, . . . these sprints are non-stop moving forward, helping to improve and optimize the conversion value and shopping journey of customers.


How to optimize conversion rate?

Understanding customers

The first step in cooperation between MangoAds and your business for the CRO package is to understand the desired business direction and goals. Our experts will take these “ingredients” and produce the most popular language for the implementation team in the future.


Research and analysis

After understanding your business, we provide competitor research reports, dig through user behavior and touchpoints on the web. From Google Analytics, Keyword Research Tool, we help you get an overview of the current situations and think about the solution.


Make plans and execute

When you have a good understanding of the data, we will propose additional measurements and new analytical methods. At the same time, we will bring out the most effective improvements to implement each step.


Reporting and improvements

The optimal CVR – CRO journey is a long journey and constantly improving. These improvements are based on a core basis of reporting and statistics, so our Data Analysis team will help you make effective and comprehensive report templates.


MangoAds Co., Ltd

8th Floor, Charmington Building, 181 Cao Thang, Ward 12, District 10, HCMC.

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