

Web redesign

Website redesign trend

After a period of using the website, every business wants to update the new design to suit new trends and technologies. Once we have invested in changing a new website, it’s time to review and improve the old UI-UX to create a new design that is more in line with the trend. Technical issues such as optimal web loading speed also need to be addressed. Besides, there is also improved content management or one thing that we often ignore is to move all the content from the old website to the new one and at the same time keep the ranking on Google.

The MangoAds team will advise and implement the entire web redesign process to ensure your business will receive a new fully furnished showroom that you just take over and operate.

UI-UX design

In addition to the steps taken as designing a new website, with web redesign we need to take a step to re-evaluate the old website’s interface and the desired improvement or points to maintain on the new website. After MangoAds and your company’s marketing team reevaluate the access data and design of the old website, MangoAds’ experienced designers will rely on your business’s brand guideline to come up with bright trendy design plans while also helping improve your goal of increasing the shopping experience on the site.


Technical optimization

Normally, when designing a new website, there will be 2 technical parts that need to be paid attention to, which is the improvement in the website loading speed and the web administration section.

Improve web loading speed

MangoAds will follow the Google instruction to apply SEO onsite techniques. So that, we ensure the best optimization of your loading page speed and make the website more search engine friendly.


Enhance web administration

MangoAds team and your company’s internal Marketing team will re-evaluate the good and bad points of the old CMS (Admin page) to come up with an improvement plan to make the new web easier to manage the content.


Transferring to the new website

All content of services, products and news pages must be converted from old website to new website. We will use data migration from the database of the old website to the new website as smooth as possible.


Tracking and analytic

A new website must be inherited the statistical data from the old one through GG Analytics, GG Search Console… Therefore, MangoAds will support the reinstallation of new tracking code based on old setups and goals, to ensure seamless and uninterrupted statistical data.


Maintain the campaign

The maintaining method of campaigns which are pouring traffic into the website is similar to the tracking code method. We make sure the smooth transition, corrective links redirect to the settings for the running ads campaign. So that the campaign will not be interrupted.


Keep SEO rankings

To ensure that all Google search keyword traffic remains on the new website, we will perform a series of steps to convert content, redirect links, re-submit sitemaps, . . . for Google to index the new website will be smooth and do not lose keyword rankings on Google.