
Content marketing service

At MangoAds

“Content is King”?

The core of the internet is a method of conveying the content to each person. If the internet is a road, content is vehicles and the internet world is a logistic chain of content vehicles, it’s simple as that. But, what those vehicles have in the trunk, to whom it go, what surprise we’re gonna get, that is the job of content marketer.

“Content is King” – Maybe content is King and has a great influence, but must understand that this king can help the brand flourish and also reduce the prestige of the brand. With one’s mindset of being the last line to protect the brand, the MangoAds enforcement team always puts the brand’s mindset in mind and uses thinking to convey the suitable message to the goals of the business.

This sentence is not sure whether to use or not (but it can also become a bandit, bad content is a bad king that can rob you of your brand reputation. If you are looking at the internet from that point of view then we can see that content is a very broad definition)

Therefore, the concept of content on the internet is a very broad concept that covers everything in the digital world, and planning to operate content for businesses is also a paramount task.



Content strategy

Based on the characteristics of each customer, we will come up with a suitable strategy for them. Before entering the “battle”, we always have a clear understanding of the target audience, product / service, and current competitors of our client. When we have the right strategy, we will surely bring our dedicated content to the right audience as well as improve the On-SERP keyword for SEO campaigns.


Content writing

We always try to make the most attractive and valuable content that brings the most useful information and thorough guidance to users. At a higher level, content also helps educate the market, directing people to the “promised land” that we have been “cultivating” for a long time. When writing, we always put ourselves in the shoes of our audiences, wondering if the post solved their problem.


Lead Generation

Content plays the “torch” role for us to reach the target audience. Thanks to this “torch”, they can light the way to become genuine leads for your business. The more people who “hold that torch”, the more leads you will be able to transition through. We use a variety of lead magnet types such as trial subscriptions, samples, white papers, e-newsletters or free advice.

Quy trình triển khai

“He who sees through life and death will meet most success”, with this perspective, before embarking on a content marketing campaign we must conduct a content audit of the entire website / fanpage / current content platform to see how well you are doing and what you are lacking. Next, we will let you know what their competitors are doing, where their performance is which helps them achieve current success. Most importantly, keyword research and to be on trend act as a guideline for us to orient our upcoming plans for our clients.